TO ENHANCE ENGAGEMENT: The key to success in today’s environment can rest on the employment experience. It is the key to retention, productivity, engagement and profitability. The following areas are one where clients have benefited from retaining Ambrose Landen to help

  • Leadership Training: All of the companies who project trends in the HR space indicate that the key to turnover and productivity is the manager. As a certified Trainer-Partner of the Center for Leadership Studies, implementing Situational Leadership workshops can make a difference in management competence, confidence and impact. Your organization can benefit from an employee-needs based leadership thread throughout that will improve leadership effectiveness and employee response.
  • Clifton Strengthsfinders: This Gallup backed profile identifies 34 talents and ranks them in order of strength for those who take the profile. An individual one on one coaching session, giving the real world suggestions and recommendations on using Strengths can elevate performance and engagement. Division or company wide profiles are also available to identify areas of need or strength of the organization and can be used to advise hiring and promotional decisions. Your organization can benefit by hiring or positioning staff to use their natural talents in the most beneficial ways for your goals.
  • Behavioral Interviewing: ‘Tell me about yourself’ will always be an interview question, but many interview questions can have rehearsed answers. Behavioral Interviewing relies on the candidates providing specific examples of past behavior, not theoretical statements. The premise is that the best predictor of future behavior is… past behavior. Your organization can improve selection and assessment processes by utilizing Behavioral Interviewing through a half-day workshop and follow up activities.
  • Additional Workshops: Customized workshops are available in a wide range of subjects, including Time Management, delivered to an international audience each year, and Outlook Tips & Tricks that shares ‘secrets’ about Outlook that most people are unaware of but that greatly increase productivity.

TO ENHANCE PLANNING AND DESIGN: Developing solid plans for the future helps insure the future. Ambrose Landen can help your organization achieve sustainable results through strategy and planning.

  • Strategic Planning: SMART Goals form the cornerstone of ‘getting things done’ and specific strategies for specific objectives, using appropriate tactics can make a big difference. Your organization can move more quickly and intentionally towards enhancing your results with focused goals and aligned tactics.
  • Succession Planning: How to sustain results with the inevitable organizational changes, whether retirement, mergers, or turnover is an important part of the leadership equation. Identifying successors isn’t even half the battle: putting together a plan to develop the potential future leaders has the real impact.
  • Menu Engineering: Thirty years of restaurant experience and menu development efforts provides a scientific basis for development of menus that maximize entrée construction, pricing and margin strategies, and page placement on a hard copy menu. Your food service organization can benefit from improvement profits and staff efficiency through an engineered menu.